Friday, 11 January 2019

A Print-and-Fold Book of Poems #1

I'm a big fan of making things, especially easy, fun things that are inexpensive and simple. So, when I discovered that one could make a tiny book out of a single piece of paper (8.5 x 11), I was hooked!  I've used this technique many times over the years and it always gets a great reaction from children. Once, a little boy sitting in the front row gasped, "It's magic!" And you can do all kinds of things with this mini-book format, from vocabulary practice, drawing, math play, and of course... POETRY! 

So, Janet (Wong) and I decided it might be fun to offer a ready-made printable poetry mini-book for teachers (and others) who want to inject a little more poetry into their work with children. So, here's our first installment, with a handful of poems from some of our Poetry Friday anthologies. See what you think!

Here's the printable page below and you'll find the pdf version at this link.

And here's a simple video showing you how to fold the paper into a mini-book: