Thursday 13 April 2017

13th annual TLA Poetry Round Up

It's time again for the annual conference of the Texas Library Association-- one of my favorite events of the year! We're gathering in San Antonio, some come join us, if you're in the neighborhood!  

I'll be hosting the 13th Annual Poetry Round Up featuring a wonderful line up of poets:

We'll be collaborating to perform excerpts from their works in a readers' theater approach with audience participation. (Let me know if you want to volunteer!)

And here is a list of works by these wonderful poets, FYI:

Janet (Wong) and I will also be presenting on Friday morning-- along with author and friend, Shirley Duke. Our topic is: Building Blocks of Language Learning (bright and early at 8:30-9:30am). What role does the librarian play in building readers? This session focuses on using a rich poetry toolbox that supports ELAR and ELL TEKS to acquire language skills. Learn to teach educators to celebrate language with humor and meaning. I hope to share more about this session next week. 

Meanwhile, it's Poetry Friday, so head on over to Dori Reads where the lovely poet Doraine Bennett is wrangling all our posts!

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